Some years ago in L.A. at CBS Studios where the the BIOLA Media Conference was held for which I was a segment producer and speaker, I was privilege enough to share in the introduction of my one and only Hollywood idol, STAN FREBERG. Stan passed away not long after I met him, but I have several cherished images to remember the day. I also had the presence of mind to bring the LP album jacket, pictured below, and have him sign it...and I brought the cardboard tube...can't believe I have a picture of this. If you're not sure what this is all about, I can only suggest you get the recordings, including Freberg's "Pay Radio" albums ("You have to go into a record story and buy it." ...which I did.) I wore out three of the United States of America LP discs listening to his creativity during my college years. Today you can buy the CD version (Vol 1 and 2). Best humor and sound productions ever created. I should have these images framed and on my wall, which I guess this blog is sort of the same thing.
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