Monday, October 27, 2014

Helping New Writers

The Moral Premise can help new script-writers or novelists understand what their story is about in a way that will focus their effort and make their writing more efficient. I share this new comment with my blog readers, not to add one more kudos to the list, but to encourage new writers that there is a way to understand the mystery of stories and how good ones work.

This, then, from Lisa McCorkle, Brooklyn NY:
Dear Stan, 
I am a novice at book writing.  Before reading The Moral Premise I knew what message I wanted the audience to receive. However, I didn't know how to articulate it. Fortunately, I was still able to write 197 pages .  After reading your book I was able to articulate the premise of my story and from that I'm now sketching a synopsis. Your book has introduced me to the language of novelists. And even though I'm still in the process of learning I'm way much better off after reading your book.  It's given me so much direction and when it's time for me to edit, which is now, I will have a clear path. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. 
The story is about characters living without a purpose, a lack of understanding and communication and the negative impact it has on their finances and family. After much intervention, self reflection, receiving and embracing vital information and finding their purpose... they start making changes that reverse their negative behavior. It takes a horrific incident to bring all the characters together. Friendships are formed and with support they each work on their purpose and goals together. I'm still working on how to summarize the story in a clear and concise manner.  But, I'm getting there. 
An early log line is: Families adrift in their urban community find purpose through self reflection, efforts and a shocking horrific incident that leaves a college bound student fighting for his life. 
I'm so excited to be doing something I enjoy and... finding treasures along the way. Your book was one of them. What a great find.
Lisa's moral premise could be stated like this:

Living aimlessly, without noble purpose, 
leads to dysfunction and sadness; but
Discovering and following one's call in life 
leads to relationships and happiness.

Good luck and God speed in our writing Journey, Lisa. It can be a long road, But,, perseverance leads to satisfaction. 

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